
這次的出差之行,Timk 終於參觀了上次來不及到達的其中一站 " Intel Museum 英特爾博物館 ",
"Intel" 這個名子是一個廣為被所有電腦玩家所熟知的品牌,對於Timk 來說更是一個不可錯過的電腦產業象徵。
雖然 Timk 不是從事半導體業,但現在所玩的 TFT製程也不會差太多啦!! 半導體、光電可是台灣兩大電子經濟圈,

↗ 無塵室環境,其實這些東西對台灣電子業來說已經很平常。

↗ Intel CPU 歷史。

↗ 販賣部一景。
Operating days and hours
Hours: |
Monday – Friday, 9:00am – 6:00pm |
Saturday 10:00am – 5:00pm |
(Closed on USA holidays) |
Location & contact information
On the Web: |
Museum address: |
Robert Noyce Building |
2200 Mission College Blvd |
Santa Clara, CA 95054 |
Phone: 408-765-0503 |
General information
Admission and parking are free. |
Bags and backpacks are not permitted in the Intel Museum or Intel Museum Store. |
Coat check services are not available. |
Photography is allowed in the Intel Museum. |